Backwards 3 – write text backwards|Reverse 3

Communication is one of the most important factor in everyone’s lives. It could make or break relationships whether it is with family, friends or someone special, expressing and communicating play an important role. Hence, we ensure that we put an effort in communicating. In fact, whenever we message our love ones, we would want to share cute and expressive texts. There are many ways to do this and through this article, we shall provide you information and we would guide you on how to do this. Furthermore, through this article, we shall learn how to use symbols and characters and make them into special characters like backwards 3 which could be perceived as backwards e. Additionally, we shall learn how to write reverse E and how easy it is to write text backwards. So without further ado, we shall now get to it.
Use of Backwards 3
In the texting world, you will have to be creative and one of the most popular character used by many is the backwards 3. This character is often used as a heart. This is done by combining backwards 3 and they symbol “>”. If you want to use these symbols to form a heart, but do not know, do not worry as we shall guide you on how to do this.
How to type backwards 3 – reverse 3
Method 1 – backwards 3 alt code
If you are using Microsoft word and would want to reverse 3 symbol, all you have to do is follow the steps below:
- Open your Microsoft word on your computer
- With your number pad, type 0190.
- Then, press ALT+X and reverse 3 will appear.
Method 2 – Copy code reverse 3 sign and paste symbols
The easiest, straight-forward and simplest way to use reverse 3 symbol is by copying the reverse sign and then paste it on whatever platform you would wish to use it on. You could use it on your WhatsApp group, messages, status, Instagram DM and stories. Here is a reverse 3 code which you could copy and paste.
Reverse 3 Code:
Method 3 – Reverse Text website or upside down text
This method uses mirror text online website. Through this site, you will have to put the text and it will reverse the character. It will mirror it online. To do this, all you have to do is follow the steps below:
- Go to your browser on your device – computer or mobile or tablet
- Enter upsidedown text website
- Tick the upside down text effect.
- Type 3 on the text area
- On the results area, copy the inverted 3 and use it as you wish.
How to write i love you backward text
This is easy to do. All you have to do is use the the reverse e symbol and combine it with the > symbol. This will provide you a heart.
How could I get backwards 3 symbol?
You could get this symbol through websites such as upsidedown text website, and many more.
The texting world provides us an avenue to be creative in our communication with our love ones. We could combine numbers and symbols to create a shape or another symbol that would help us express our thoughts and feelings. We hope that through this article, we were able to provide you an idea on how to do this. So what are you waiting for? try it out and let us know what you think!