Pokemon Scarlet Titan Order

Pokemon Scarlet comes with great storyline in its games particularly the Path of Legends. It has 6 powerful Pokemons which are called Titans. In this game, it is very important that you know the right order. If you do not know how to do this, you came to the right place. In this article, we shall provide useful information which you could use as a guide.
You should defeat the Titans in this order:
- Klawf
- Bombirdier
- Orthworm
- Great Tusk
- Dondozo
- Tatsugiri
One way to defeat them in this order, you must know where they are located. You should also know what their abilities are and their type weaknesses. In this article, you would find all these information.
Pokemon Scarlet Titan Order
The Stony Cliff Titan- Klawf
- Type: Rock
- Ability: Shell Armor or Anger Shell
- Hidden Ability: Regenerator
- Recommended Level: 15-20
Klaff, just like how its name sounds loves to stick to cliffs and wait for its prey and if you are wondering what Klaff is, well, your guess would be correct if you think Klaff is a land crab.
The Titan, Klaff is a rock-type Pokemon which should be battled with at least Level 15 Pokemon.
- Klaff could be found in the South Province (Area Three) which is from Mesagoza to Artazon. You would know you are on the right path when Arven calls you. Look for Klawf attached to the cliff in this area.
- Effective against water, fighting, grass, steel, ground types
- Not effect against fire, normal, poison, flying types
- Normal effective against electric, psychic, ice, bug, rock, ghost, dragon, fairy and dark types
- No effect on: none
- Stockpile water, ground, steel, grass or fighting-type Pokemon
- Avoid using normal, poison or flying type Pokemon against Klawf
- Use X defense items during battles
- Once you have defeated Klawf, you would unlock the access to a cave which has Herba Mystica which is a requirement in creating sandwiches which could help you unlock Dash ability.
The Open Sky Titan – Bombirdier
- Type: Flying/Dark
- Hidden Ability: Rocky Payload
- Ability: Keen Eye or Big Pecks
- Recommended Level: 23-27
Bombirdier is the second Titan found in the Pokemon Scarlet Titan order. It looks like a huge white stork-like Pokemon which you could battle after you have defeated Klawf.
Bombirdier is a dual type of Pokemon. It is both flying and dark Pokemon. By knowing this, it would be easier to learn what its weaknesses are.
This Titan has the ability of big pecks which prevents its defense from being lowered by other Pokemon. In fact, it has a hidden ability Rocky Payload which has a 50% boost to Rock-type moves.
You could find this Titan at northwest of Cortondo or southwest from Cascarrafa. It is close to the Pokemon Cente, WPA1 Central. Go north from the wind turbines and Arven will also let you know once you are close. This Titan is located on a mountain with boulders.
- Effective: Electric, Ice, Rock, Fairy
- Not very effective: Ghost, Grass, Dark
- Normal: Bug, Fighting, Normal, Water, Fire, Poison, Flying, Steel, Dragon
- No Effect: Ground, Psychic
Battle Strategy
- Use Fairy or Electric or Ice or Rock type of Pokemon. You could use either Pawmo or Quaxwell.
- Avoid Dark, Grass and Ghost-type Pokemon and attacks.
- Ground and Psychic type are not effective. Do not use them
- Once you have defeated Bombirdier, it will retreat but you would have to battle it again with Arven and Nacli.
- Once you have defeated Bombirdier, you would get Herba Mystica which allows you to unlock the ability to swim.
The Lurking Steel Titan – Orthworm
- Ability: Earth eater
- Type: Steel
- Hidden Ability: Sand Veil
- Recommended Level: 30 -35
This should be the next Titan that you must defeat. If you have the right type of Pokemon, you would not have to worry about defeating it. This Titan has the earth eater ability. It allows 25% restoration of it maximum HP when it is hit by Ground type moves. Orthworm has hidden ability of Sand Veil and it does not take any damage from sandstorms.
- This Titan could be found northwest of Levincia or east of Zapapico which is east province. Try to find the road connecting to the two cities.
- Super-effective against fire and fighting types
- Not very effective against ice, normal, flying, psychic, grass, rock, bug, dragon, steel and fairy types
- Normal effectiveness against dark, electric, water and ghost types
- No effect on poison types
- Avoid ground and poison type moves
- Use fire and fighting type of Pokemon
- Do not use sandstorm. It would not affect Orthworm
- If you defeat Orthworm, you would get Herba Mystica which could unlock the ability of High Jump.
The Quaking Earth Titan – Great Tusk
- Ability: Protosynthesis
- Type: Ground/Fighting
- Hidden Ability: None
- Recommended Level: 45 to 50
This is the 4th Titan which you should battle. It is a dual type of Pokemon – Ground/Fighting type. It looks like an ancient ancestor of Donphan. Its ability is Protosynthesis which could boost the highest stat of Pokemon.
You could find this Titan in the desert in the western area. Go west from the Pokemon Center near the north of Cascarrafa or south from Pokemon Center in Porto Marinada.
- Super-effective: Grass, water, ice, flying, fairy, psychic
- Not very effective: rock, poison, bug and dark
- No effect: Electric
- Normal: normal, fire, fighting, steel, ground, dragon, steel
Battle Strategy
- Use grass-type and water type
- You could use Spirigatito and Quaxly
- Do not use Poison, bug, rock and dark type Pokemon
- Electric type moves are not effective
- First defeat would make the Great Tusk retreat and then, it would return for another battle.
- Arven will help you with a Scovillain
- You would get Herba Mustica after defeating the Great Tusk which would help you get the travel ability, Glide.
The False Dragon Titan – Dondozo and Tatsugiri
- Ability: Unaware or Oblivious
- Type: Water
- Hidden Ability: Water Veil
- Recommended Level: 55-60
Dondozo is a very powerful Titan. It is in fact labeled as the False Dragon Titan. It looks like an ancient fish with blue color scheme. It is a water type of Pokemon and could be defeated through Electric and Grass type attacks. Its ability is unaware which could ignore all target Pokemon’s stat alterations.
You could find this Titan once you have defeated the two Titans which would provide you the travel ability swim. Go north from Medali to Casseroya Lake. Use the ability to swim to move through the lake. You would find this Titan at the middle or center.
- Super-effective: Grass, Electric
- Not very effective: Water, Fire, Ice
- Normal: Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, Psychic, Fairy, Dragon, Ground, Normal, Rock, Bug, Dark
- No effect: None
Battle Strategy
- Use Grass and electric moves
- It is recommended to use Quaxly or Pawmo
- Do not use Water, fire, steel and ice type Pokemon
- Dondozo would retreat after you defeat it the first time. It would return for another battle.
- Arven would help with Greedent.
- Ability: Commander
- Type: Dragon/Water
- Hidden Ability: Storm Drain
- Recommended Level: 55-60
Once you have defeated Dondozo for the second time, you would have to battle the orange fish you have talked to. This Titan is a dual Pokemon – Dragon/Water. It has the ability of Commander. It could control Dondozo by sitting in its mouth. Its hidden ability is storm drain.
- Super-effective: Fairy, Dragon
- Not very effective: Fire, Water, Steel
- Normal: Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, Psychic, Normal. Ground, Normal, Rock, Bug, Electric, Dark, Ice and Grass
- No effect: None
You could beat Tatsugiri by using a Dragon or Fairy type Pokemon. Do not use water, steel and fire type Pokemon.
Dondozo and Tatsugiri Rewards
You would get Herba Mystica which would unlock new travel ability – Climb.