Best Pickaxe in Terraria

In the game Terraria, players are given a lot of options in terms of pickaxe. This could, unfortunately be a little bit overwhelming for new players. Do not fret as this article will guide you and provide you all the information you needed in learning about all the Pickaxe in Terraria.
For those who are new in playing Terraria, this game could be a little bit challenging but do not worry as when you find cool equipment, you would be able to use them to help you reach your goal and finish the game without any worries.
One of the most important equipment that you would need in this game is a pickaxe and you are in luck as in this article, you would learn more about this mentioned equipment.
Pixkaxe is very important tool in this game as it allows and helps you to mine which means you would be able to dig out the rarest ores in the game. Unfortunately, pickaxes are very rare and even difficult to stumble upon. Though this is the case, do not worry as in this article, we shall guide on this.
Best Pickaxe in Terraria
As you progress through the game, using common pickaxe could help you unlock hard mode where you could defeat more difficult monsters. This means, without pickaxes, you would have a very extremely difficult time to finish and complete the game.
Titanium Pickaxe
This pickaxe is a strong one. However, it is difficult to unlock it. In fact, it would need effort for you to be able to acquire it. Though this is the case, we could assure you that all your efforts would be worth it.
This pickaxe has a power of 190 and it is made of a Titanium bar which makes this pickaxe as the best pickaxe below 200-power mark.
This pickaxe has a 27 damage and a swift attack speed which makes it easier for you to mine faster. The best thing about this pickaxe is that you gain 21 % critical strike chance.
Spectre Pickaxe
The Spectre Pickaxe has a damage of 32 which makes it another good option. In fact, this pickaxe has a knockback range of 5.25. It could be unlocked once you have defeated Plantera and having a mining range of 3 blocks. Its speed is swift which makes it easy to mine.
For you to be able to make it, you would need Spectre bars and Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil. The Spectre pickaxe has the same power level but is better used in smaller areas. If you plan to sell this pickaxe, you could get about 4 gold and 32 silver coins.
Shroomite Digging Claw
The Shroomite Digging Claw is considered as one of the best pickaxes which has the power of 200. The reason behind this is because its damage and knockback. It is made of Chlorophyte bars and glowing mushrooms. It could easily be used for faster mining activity.
This pickaxe could only be acquired after defeating Plantera in the Hardmode. it is intimidating with its claw and it is ideal for mining large areas.
Picksaw is the second-best picksaw. It could be found after defeating Golem which is located in underground jungle. It has a power of 210 and it could be used to mine in Terraria without any problems.
If you cannot find this pickaxe after defeating Golem, you would have to try again and see if Golem would drop a picksaw. The drop rate is low and chances of not getting it is high at the first try.
Luminite Pickaxe
If you want the strongest pickaxe, try to get the Luminite. Keep in mind that this is very extremely rare. It could only be created after defeating Moon Lord who is the final boss. As soon as you defeat Moon Lord, you would get an access to Luminite bar which is a requirement for you to be able to create Luminite.
This pickaxe has 4 different variants – Vortext, Stardust, Solar Flare and Nebula pickaxe which have the same stats. It has 225-pickaxe power which is the highest in Terraria and has 80 damage.
We hope that in this article you have found useful information which you could use as a guide about pickaxe in Terraria.